Let's Hear it for Our Team!

Members of our new Public Health Workforce Leadership Program and Public Health Resource Center at Angelina College are featured in Tulane University's Region 6 South Central Public Health Training Center newsletter!

Candidates of the Public Health Leadership program are learning valuable aspects of public health through immersion in all ACCHD programs, creating a team of future public health leaders for the East Texas area.

The Public Health Resource Center at Angelina College, meanwhile, serves as an on-campus office/clinic that provides limited healthcare services for the students and assists and coordinates with various AC Programs to provide robust public health related educational opportunities. 

We're so proud of this team, and we cannot wait to see their impact in East Texas!

You can read their full feature here: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/February-2022-Newsletter.html?soid=1101058255962&aid=h-m1C9sDRUs&fbclid=IwAR0X9lm7ykjLlzircar9U5kT0GfN-QLIh2r8eB2jsKaXCeFl2mCiqmK-CBI

PHWF Leadership Members: (L-R) Kim Johnson, Mentor; Anndrea Pickett, Campus Coordinator; Eric Hamilton, Martha Hernandez, Lindsey Christian, and Patricia Vettiankal

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